Rachel Clark, erotic romance, sexy romance, menage romance, FFM romance, MMF romance, MF romance, sci-fi romance, contemporary romance, unusual romance,
Rachel loves romance in all its forms. She writes sci-fi, paranormal, and contemporary stories in MMF, MF, FFM, MFM, and occassionally FMMMMMMM pairings.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Me and My Muse
Oh Muse! This story is flowing faster than my fingers can type, it's great to be writing but I really should get some sleep. No? I suppose sleep is overrated. We can write all night if we want to. Who needs sleep when the story is so... Zzzzzzzz. Muse? Muse? Is that you snoring? Darn, looks like the wall has been hit. Tomorrow. We'll get back to it tomorrow. Good night Muse.